About Support Groups
Support groups can be a valuable resource for individuals with autism and their families. Our resource library provides information on local support groups, online communities, and peer support options.
Any Baby Can’s Autism Services
217 Howard, SA TX 78212
Any Baby Can’s Sibling Support Group
217 Howard, SA TX78212 Group is for children 6-14 years of age and meets on the 2nd Friday of every month from 6:30-8:30pm, September through July of every year. The group is led by a trained facilitator and volunteer and free, light meals are served. This is a time for siblings of children with special needs to socialize, play games and participate in structured discussion focusing on issues related to having a sibling with a disability.
Autism Society of Central Texas
1.512.479.4199 x1
The Autism Society of Texas offers support groups, advocacy, educational and recreational events in support of its mission: Improving the Lives of Those Affected by Autism.
Autism Speaks - Autism Response Team
E-Mail: familyservices@autismspeaks.org
Autism Response Team coordinators are specially trained to connect individuals and families with information, resources and opportunities. Call or e-mail for more information on community outreach services, grants, local resources and age-related resources (diagnosis/early intervention, school-age/youth, young adults and adult services).
Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas
Web: www.cbcst.org
205 W. Olmos Drive, SA TX 78212
Offers support groups for children and teens, ages 3 to 24, and their families or caregivers who have lost a family member; offers seven different support groups that meet twice a month. The Center also provides training, crisis intervention, counseling peer support, and consultation services to individuals, schools, churches, and community agencies of all kinds; fee-based, one-on-one counseling also available.
Epilepsy Foundation of Central& South Texas Family and Parent Support Group
8601 Village Dr., Ste. 200, SA TX 78217
Provides information and referral, community education, outreach and support services, advocacy, employment services, seizure clinics, summer camps and support group meetings, free counseling services.
MELD Special (Mutual Enrichment through Learning and Discovery)
Web: www.mhm.org
4507 Medical Dr., SA TX 78229
MELD Special focuses on the daily challenges of raising a child and address the impact of an illness or disability on childrearing and family life. Discussions are geared to concerns faced by all parents, rather than medical information.
MoCAA (Moms Connect About Autism)
Web: www.mocaa.org
E-Mail: mocaa2010@gmail.com
MoCAA’s mission is to connect every mother raising a child with special needs and provide support by creating a social and interactive community focused on HOPE (Helping Ourselves Physically and Emotionally). All interactions are based on a philosophy of empowerment, encouragement, and compassion. No mom should go it alone. There is no membership fee.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Web: www.nami-sat.org
6800 Park Ten Blvd, Ste248-E , SATX, 78213
E-Mail: nami@nami-sat.org
The nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons living with serious mental illness and their families. Offers support, education, advocacy, and research for people living with mental illness.
San Antonio Asperger’s - Online Support Group
This group is designed for families of the San Antonio area who have children diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome; Autism; Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD) or Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD). This group will share information; stories; questions; and provide individual support for each other.
Texas Adults with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities (TAAID)
6914 Wurzbach RD, SA TX 78240
Proactively responding to the needs of the parents of young adults with autism and intellectual disabilities requiring support; guidance; assistance; training; and personal advocacy; to promote long term services; health and happiness for their special adult. Support group for parent with adult children who have special needs. Families are encouraged to prepare and educate themselves regarding long-term care services and supports. Information is shared about social security; Medicaid; medical waivers; care providers; and other resources within local and state agencies. In person support group meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 2pm - 4pm. (Location is subject to change).
The Down Syndrome Association of South Texas
Web: www.dsasatx.org
1127 Patricia Dr., SA TX 78213
The mission of the DSASTX is to provide services and support for children and adults with Down Syndrome and their families in San Antonio and the surrounding areas. The DSASTX provides opportunities for families to foster friendships and mutual support through information workshops/conferences, community-based social activities and educational programs.Â