About Residential Services
Our residential services resources provide information on residential options available for individuals with autism who require support with daily living skills. These resources can help families find appropriate residential options for their loved ones with autism.

Complete Life Care – Cade’s Cove House
6647 Cade’s Cove, SA TX 78238
Council Oaks Community Options
Provides ongoing evaluation; planning; 24-hour supervision; coordination; and integration for health or rehabilitative services in a protected residential setting to individuals with disabilities; please call for a full listing of available programs; fees; scheduling and eligibility.
Dreams Come True Assisted Living
3242 Swandale St, SA TX 78230
State funded group home for men ages 19 and above with disabilities; provides a protected residential setting; ongoing evaluation; planning; 24-hour supervision; coordination and integration for health or rehabilitative services to help men with disabilities function at their greatest ability. Please call for a full listing of available programs; fees; scheduling; eligibility and availability. Most insurance including Medicaid and Medicare accepted.
Eldorado Adult Living Center
Mailing Address: PO Box 33487, SA TX 78265
Physical Address: 12302 Gran Vista St, SA, TX 78233
El Dorado Adult Living Center offers assisted living for people with disabilities by offering comprehensive and individualized health care and rehabilitation services to individuals to promote their functional status and independence in San Antonio; Texas. Assists males ages 18 and up. Medicaid and private pay only.
Enhanced Living Services
4422 Centergate St., SA TX 78217
Hill Country San Antonio Management, Inc
3355 Cherry Ridge, Ste. 108, SA, TX 78230
Hill Country San Antonio Management Inc. is a Medicaid based program that provides services to Individuals with disabilities in the Austin, San Antonio and Corpus Christi areas. Hill Country San Antonio Management Inc. is a Home and Community Based Services (HCS) provider agency; and we also provide services to individuals enrolled in the Texas Home Living (TxHmL) program. Some services provided include nursing, physiological and physical therapy. For information about services offered; please call. Clients need to be assessed by AACOG prior to being accepted for residential services. Medicaid and Medicare are accepted insurances.
Homelife & Community Services, Inc
2401 Wilson Blvd., SA TX 78228
HCS, Texas Home Living General Revenue
Lifetime Living, Inc
E-Mail: info@LifetimeLivingInc.com
Central Main Office: 5425 N. Loop 1604 E., SA TX 78247
Specializing in community-based services for those with intellectual & developmental disabilities. Home & Community Based Services (HCS), Texas Home Living Services (TxHmL), Classes, & General Revenue Services (GR); Accept Traditional Medicaid thru Approved Medicaid Waiver Programs & Private Pay.
Mission Road Ministries
Web: www.mrmsat.org
E-Mail: info@mrmsat.org
8706 Mission Rd, SA TX 78214
We provide each child with professional; 24-hour AWAKE care by trained; attentive staff allowing the child to thrive and grow into a successful and happy adult. We provide our partnering families with time and respite from the 24/7/365 care that often overwhelms families with children with special needs. Our caregivers are rested and ready to provide focused and loving for each of the children in their care. Our caregivers are not distracted like parents and foster parents are with other obligations like cooking dinner; doing laundry; driving other children to practices. They are 100% focused on the special children in their care. Furthermore; our caregivers all participate in 50+ hours of professional training each year. Our greatest strength: three 8-hour shifts of ready; rested and loving caregivers providing 24/7/365 awake care. For more info, you can call Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM.
Mission Road Ministries - Campus Cottages
Web: https://www.missionroadministries.org/programs/children/
8706 Mission RD, SA TX 78214
Mission Road provides residential care for children (3 to 17 years of age) with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in five homes on our 22-acre South San Antonio campus. Mission Road cares for children from all areas of Texas. To schedule your own private campus tour please call, or you can also take a virtual tour of the campus on the website.
Mosaic of South Central Texas
Web: www.mosaicinfo.org
1804 NE Loop 410, SA TX 78217
Mosaic is a faith-based organization serving people with disabilities living in group residences. All services are provided in a typical community-based setting which includes individuals living as roommates in a group home setting. Individuals receive 24-hours a day to provide assistance with completing daily living skills; meal planning and preparation; budgeting; shopping and medication administration. Assistance provided include matching a person receiving services with someone who provides the assistance needed for daily living in a family-like or roommate like setting. Residential and facilitative services include: skills training and adjunctive therapies with 24-hour supervision and coordination of the individual program plan.
Providence Place - Legacy Program
Web: www.provplace.org
E-Mail: info@yourstore.com
6487 Whitby Rd., SA TX 78240
Two residential programs for young adults with disabilities after high school. Both are 2-4 years in length and teach/practice work and independent living skills. Oasis Home is an eight bed ICF Group Home and Legacy is an apartment living program for a young person who is already independent enough to not need supervision (case management is provided).
1218 Arion Pkwy., Ste. 106, SA TX 78216
HCS and Texas Home Living providers; Provides services to individuals with disabilities like group homes; foster care and transportation to doctors’ visits; serves those 18 years old or older; HCS and Texas Home Living providers.
R & K Specialized Homes, Inc
Web: www.RKhomes.net
1550 NE Loop 410, Ste. 206, SA TX 78209
A for-profit provider of Medicaid and private pay programs for people with disabilities; provides Dayhab; vocational and supported employment services. The Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) is a Medicaid program that provides residential services in the community through group homes. Services include; adaptive aids; specialized therapies; behavioral supports; community supports; respite and nursing. Primary eligibility requirements include a diagnosis of disability and the individual must live at home with their family or on their own. Clients need to be assessed by AACOG prior to being accepted for residential services. Hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM; tours of facilities can be arranged by calling office.
Reaching Maximum Independence (RMI) - Group Homes
6336 Montgomery Dr., SA TX 78239
Reaching Maximum Independence; Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that assists adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the San Antonio area live and work as independently as possible. --Our group homes; supported apartment programs and foster care services allow individuals with developmental disabilities and their families to choose the residential option that best meets their needs.
Rescare - Residential Services and Home Health
3700 Belgium Ln, SA TX78219
ResCare Residential Services provides support to adults and children that need assistance with daily living. With almost four decades of experience in the disabilities services field; we are the country’s leading provider of services to people with disabilities. We offer a comprehensive range of services through: Community Living; Signature Services (day services/sheltered employment; respite/home care; case management; support services - physical; occupational; and speech therapy/nursing); Signature Quality and Training Programs; Rest Assured Telecare; and Supported Employment. Clients need to be assessed by AACOG prior to being accepted for residential services. Medicaid and Medicare are accepted insurances.
River Gardens
750 Rusk St., New Braunfels, TX 78130
South Texas Community Living Corp
2391 NE Loop 410, Ste. 110, SA TX 78217
ICF-ID, HCS; South Texas Community Living Corporation is an Intermediate Care Facility for individuals ages 18 and older with disabilities. We operate 6-bed group homes and an array of additional services to meet the needs of those individuals. We provide the full array of the following HCS services below: Audiology; Adaptive Aids; Behavioral support; Case coordination; Day habilitation; Dietary; Direct care in 3 and 4- bed group homes; Direct care in the natural home (Supported Home Living); Host (Foster) Care; Minor home modifications; Nursing (LVN and RN); Occupational; Physical and Speech therapy; Respite care; Social work; Specialized dental care and supported employment. Eligibility is done thru AACOG; Medicaid is accepted. Hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Southwind Fields
6851 Citizens Parkway, Ste. 224, SA TX 77829
The Southwind City Locals program is designed for men and women of a wide variety of abilities. Whether living in their own place, or at home with a caregiver, a Southwind Local Advisor will come to them. If living at home is what's best for now, we'll help build skills to reach new levels of independence towards tailor made goals. City Locals already living in the community, may stay in their current place of residence, should they choose to do so. Those moving to the area, or who would like to relocate, may reside in an affordable Southwind partnership apartment complex, maintaining their own lease agreements, while enjoying the fellowship and community of living alongside other Southwind City Locals. City Locals receive basic case management services from our City Local Advisors, who will check in several times weekly to assess health & safety of the living environment, bus training (if appropriate), assistance with assuring bills are paid on time (if applicable), and the offer of assistance for financial management, employment search and retention (if applicable), medical needs, personal care, and independent living skills training.
Specialized Home Life
12302 Gran Vista, SA TX 78233
POBox33487, SATX 78265
ICF/ID Group Home
The Arc of San Antonio
Web: www.arc-sa.org
Northeast side: 13430 West. Ave., SA TX 78216.................210.490.4300
North side: 6530 Wurzbach, SA TX 78240...........................210.682.4200
Day habilitation program; Life Enrichment and recreation for, teens and adults, ages 14 or older with developmental or other cognitive delays, 1-8 ratios; M-F, six-hour program; before and after care available. We accept HCS, General Revenue, and private pay; part-time available. Teen recreation program offered only during the summer. Limited reduced slots.
The Center for Health Care Services
Web: www.chcsbc.org
806 S. Zarzamora St., SA TX 78207
Assists adults suffering from mental illness; provides Adult Mental Health Intake and Crisis Management. Applications are taken on a walk-in basis from 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. Availability is on a first come first serve basis. Bring a valid ID; proof of income; and proof of residency.
Yes I Can
10807 Perrin Beitel, Ste. 100, SA TX 78217
HCS; call from 8-5
Community Living Assistance and Support
Interest list in Austin for individuals with a diagnosis of development disabilities and related conditions.
Deaf/Blind Multiple Disabilities Program
Interest list in Austin for those with diagnosis of deaf, blind, and a developmental disability.
HCS - Home and Community Based Program
Interest list in San Antonio for individuals with a diagnosis with intellectual disabilities.
MDCP - Medically Dependent Children’s Program
Interest list in Austin for individuals with a need for skilled nursing services up to age 21.
YES - Youth Empowerment Services
For children and adolescents with severe emotional disturbances to live in the community with their families.Â