About Case Management Services
Our case management and family services resources provide information on support services available to individuals with autism and their families. These resources can help families navigate the often-complicated system of autism services and find the help they need. Also, inquire about our in-house autism case management resources!

AACOG, Alamo Local Authority for IDD
Web: www.aacog.com
8700 Tesoro Dr., Ste. 800, SA TX 78217
Provides Eligibility Determination (autism is a related condition), service coordination for General Revenue Services and Texas Home Living program, enrollment into the Home and Community-Based services program, In-Home Family Support Program and admissions into Intermediate Care Facilities-MR and State Schools
Any Baby Can of San Antonio
Web: www.anybabycansa.org
217 Howard St. San Antonio, TX 78212
Provides case management, to families who have a child aged from newborn to age of 17. Provides crisis assistance, referrals, small group counseling, individual counseling, financial assistance and parent education for children with autism.
ARC of San Antonio
Web: www.arc-sa.org
13430 West Ave. San Antonio, TX 78216
FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Provides a social service “home” for families and caregivers of individuals with intellectual or other developmental disabilities. Support Service Coordinators will help families connect to programs and find resources. Eligibility: all ages, no income restrictions, serving Bexar County and surrounding communities.
COMMUNITY SUPPORTS CASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CSCM): Provides comprehensive case management services for families who have a child/young adult(s) with special health care needs. Eligibility: Ages 3-21 years. Non- Medicaid eligible. Bexar and surrounding counties.
COMMUNITY LIVING ASSISTANCE & SUPPORT SERVICES (CLASS): Contact Yolanda Fuentes, Director of CLASS Case Management at yfuentes@arc-sa.org. Provides individuals with disabilities access to the resources they need to live and work as independently as possible in the community. Case Managers coordinate services including provider care, specialized therapies, adaptive aids, minor home modifications and respite care. Eligibility: Must be actively enrolled in the CLASS Medicaid Waiver Program.
Center for Healthcare Services - CHCS-ECI, formerly PACES
Web: www.chcsbc.org
5802 S. Presa, San Antonio, TX 78223
Offering a variety of services for parents with children under the age of 3, who are experiencing developmental delays. Services include case management, family centered services, activities in familiar settings, and more. Mo family is turned away because they cannot afford to pay. Free services for children on Medicaid. Other services provided based on family size and adjusted income.