About Advocacy Services
Advocacy plays a crucial role in advancing the rights and needs of individuals with autism and their families. Our resource library offers information on community-based and social advocacy, including grassroots organizing, public policy initiatives, and community outreach. We also provide resources on educational advocacy, including strategies for navigating the special education system, securing appropriate educational services, and collaborating effectively with school districts.

Disability Rights Texas
Statewide Intake
222 W. Braker Ln., Austin, TX 78758
South Texas Regional Office
6800 Park Ten Blvd., Ste. 208-N, San Antonio TX 78213
Intake hours are from 8AM -5 PM. Telephone number 1.800.252.9108 (Intake Specialist). Advocates for people with disabilities to secure their human, legal, and service rights, and assists them in advocating for themselves for these same rights. Strives to establish and expand rights and services for people with disabilities, to inform all individuals of the rights of people with disabilities, and to inform and refer individuals to programs and services.
Texas Council on Developmental Disabilities
Web: http://www.tcdd.texas.gov/about/governance/
E-Mail: tcdd@tcdd.texas.gov
6201 E. Oltorf, Suite 600, Austin, TX 78741-7509 T
he DD Act provides for a Council to be appointed by the Governor of each state to serve as the governing board for the state’s developmental disabilities council.
Web: www.101advocacy.com
Sylvia Farber: sfarber@101advocacy.com
101 Advocacy helps families navigate through the special education or 504 processes by educating families on special education/504 laws and their rights, collaborating with parents to get effective educational programs and services from school districts, reviewing the IEP to ensure it is written to meet individual student needs, and assisting at ARD/504 meetings. 101 Advocacy offers bi-lingual advocacy.
Brighton Center - Special Education Support Services
Web: www.brightonsa.org
14207 Higgins,SA TX 78217
265 E. Lullwood, SA TX 78212
SESS is a one-time 3-hour class that includes a meal, childcare, and a SESS Graduation Certificate with 3hr Credits. These are small group clinics designed to address concerns and questions about your child’s ARD/IEP. Please bring a copy of your child’s most current ARD/IEP document. Sessions held at various times and locations throughout San Antonio. Please call for more information.
Eagles Flight Advocacy and Outreach
26520 Fire Dance, Boerne, TX 78006
E-Mail: info@eaglesflightsa.com
Advocacy provided for Special Education needs. Contact Pam Allen.
Girasol Margain
Web: www.BrightonSA.org
Brighton Center, 265 E. Lullwood, SA, TX 78212
E-Mail: gmargain@brightonsa.org
Special Education Advocate and Trainer
Jennifer Fitzhugh
E-Mail: jenniferlayne@sbcglobal.net
Advocacy/Consulting-Advocacy for families who need ARD support; also, provide trainings for parents and professionals.
Juan Hernandez
Web: www.BrightonSA.org
265 E. Lullwood, SA TX 78212
E-Mail: jhernandez@brightonsa.org
Special Education Advocate and Trainer
Karla Calla
Web: www.BrightonSA.org
265 E. Lullwood, SA TX 78212
Special Education Advocate and Trainer
Lorene Dill
E-Mail: Lorene@DillardAdvocacy.com
6058 Crab Orchard, SA TX 78240
Provides consulting and training as well as advocacy services in all areas of special education. Able to attend ARD meetings with parents to help advocate for your Child’s rights; provides parents with information and training to increase their advocacy skills to make informed decisions regarding their child’s education.
Partners Resource Network – Team Project – Region 20
Web: www.partnerstx.org.
1090 Longfellow Dr, Beaumont, TX 77706
SA Independent Living Services (SAILS)
Web: www.sailstx.org
1028 S. Alamo, SA TX 78210
SAILS provide information and assistance to people of all ages with disabilities and their families to access support systems and promote changes that result in full access to the community. SAILS can also provide information and education on the Americans with Disabilities Act and information on disability rights. Services are available to residents in 28 counties. You may call them for assistance Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and you do not have to have an actual doctor diagnoses to be assisted.
The Legal Framework
Web: framework.esc18.net/
Region 18 providing Statewide Leadership for the Legal Framework for the Child- Centered Process in Texas; In collaboration with the Division of IDEA Coordination at the Texas Education Agency; The resource page provides access to documents which are used in the Special Education Process.
Special Education Support Services (SESS)
Web: www.brightonsa.org
14207 Higgins, SA, TX78217
SESS is a one-time 3-hour class that includes a meal, childcare, and a SESS Graduation Certificate with 3hr Credits. These are small group clinics designed to address concerns and questions about your child’s ARD/IEP. Please bring a copy of your child’s most current ARD/IEP document. Sessions held at various times and locations throughout San Antonio. Please call for more information.Â